Travel can be an adventure for kids! We have meticulously created these two printable packing lists for you to ensure your adventure goes smoothly.


Travel is one of the best experiences you can gift. Although packing for kids can be overwhelming with all the items they need. Make packing easy with these packing lists. We have designed these toddler and baby packing lists to make it easier for you to get organized. These two age groups have the most “extras” so we hope these help you plan ahead and get organized! 

Why travel with kids? Discover new adventures, get out of their comfort zone, create fun memories, have quality time with family, exposure to new foods, increase adaptability to new situations, have the opportunity for self-discovery, and learn about different cultures.

Diaper Packing Tip: If you think you will have a hard time finding diapers when traveling, here is our tip. The week leading up to the trip, count the number of diapers you use each day so you have a solid # of how many you will need for your trip.

Suitcase Tip: Utilize packing cubes to separate items and keep clothes organized. You can use gallon-sized bags too! You can even get your kiddo to help by telling them an item on the list and having them get it and put it in the cubes.

Toy Packing Tip: Don’t bother! No really; don’t waste the space. If your kiddo has a couple of absolute favorites, feel free but in all the times we have traveled with kids, they have found all the new and random items more exciting. The water bottles/plastic cups on the planes, opening all the drawers in the hotel rooms, the pillows at a rental house. Hopefully, you will be out on adventures and won’t find the need anyways!